SOG: A Photo History of the Secret Wars
By: John L. Plaster
Publisher: Paladin Press
Pages: 496 pages with over 700 photos
ISBN-10: 1581600585
ISBN-13: 978-1581600582
Available from -
When I first set foot in the world of SOG I can safely say I had no idea but I was on a quest to change this as I should think lots of you reading this are also. So when talking to Paul the One-Zero here, he said “Pick up this book it will help you out no end”
I had never read seen at the time such a full on book. You are treated to stories and photos from start to finish including what the recon teams missions involved, tales from the missions, the history of SOG from its birth to what happened after the Vietnam war, information about the air crews whether they be the Kingbee pilots, Blackbird crews or the Huey pilots that so often risked their lives for these small recon teams. And then we have the in-depth information on the Recon teams Weapons, Tactics, How the teams got in and out, The recon ethic, The SOG Hatchet Forces, Tales of the SOG Bright light missions the list go on and on.

While this list does indeed go on with the contents of this book you with never tire of reading the information or looking at the photos. With over 485 pages and 700 photos how the hell could you not get that SOG fix you have been looking for.
I could not help as reading over the content about the covert war in behind-enemy-lines that the concept for this book must have been decided upon on while still in the suck (Vietnam) as the many photo in the book are just what every re-actor has ever wanted no dreamed with detailed photos of team members load outs with some front and back photos and then we have the mission gear laid out and photographed for us all to see now.

This book like the rest of John L Plaster books about SOG is a must have for any SOG fan in fact I would say it is a must have for any Vietnam fan. I hope you like me keep this book for many years and look back over it time and time again, just take care the pages don’t fall out.
No review would complete without some photo of the inside of the book to give you some idea what every page is like in this jaw dropping book.