War & Peace 2012: Photo-shoot Index
We are happy to present the results of our biggest show this year, War & Peace in Kent. We built on the theme of last year in recreating the SOG launch site at Dak To, it was bigger and better than last year and this year we added our own vehicle in the shape of a Dodge M37 (which helped with all the mud).
This page is the index of all our photos and there are quite a few, each image below links to a series of pictures relating to different aspects of the show. Remember to scroll...
Our Recreation of the Dak To Launch Site
Dak To Launch Site: Shots around the display
RT West Virginia: The only SOG recon team solely equiped with NVA uniform,equipment and weapons. 
RT West Virginia
Dodge M37 3/4 ton truck & M134 Minigun: The teams new transport with M134 Minigun. We even took the vehicle to another Living History Display to get some servicing work done.

Dodge M37 and M134 Minigun
Dodge M37 Repair: The teams new transport went for some minor surgery at the show courtesy of the Red Ball Express chaps.

Dodge M37 and M134 Minigun
Display Set-Up: It takes a lot of man power and effort to create our display, and we wouldn't be able to do this without our resident SeaBee Ed Poole & his son Noah.
Display Set Up
The War & Peace Show: The War & Peace show is the biggest of its kind in the world, over 3,500 military vehicles, 1000 trade stands, 100's of Living History groups and over 100,000 visitors from around the world. These are some shots taken around the show of other displays and vehicles.
The War & Peace Show
Team Photo Gallery: Michael BackhouseThis includes some rather stylish shots from our new member Michael Backhouse.
Team Photo Gallery
Team Photo Gallery: Adrian Murphy: These shots were taken using an Olympus Pen EE camera.
Team Photo Gallery
The real Dak To: A short history of the Dak To launch site.
Dak To History: a short history of the launch site at Dak To