MACV-SOG Living History Group and it aims to faithfully portray the units of MACV-SOG (Military Assistance & Command Vietnam Studies & Observation Group) in the period of 1964-1972 during the Vietnam conflict.
The aim of the group is to understand the missions MACV-SOG undertook during the Vietnam War by exploring its tactics and equipment through living history displays, re-enactments and Mil-Sim airsoft events. Our main event of the year is War & Peace in the UK, this year will be our biggest yet. We also try and make it to events in Europe and the US when time and finances allow.
We aim to portray teams from MACV SOG CCC (Command & Control Central), CCS (Command & Control South) and CCN (Command & Control North)
We appreciate comments from SOG veterans and have recently been talking to SOG One-Zeros John S. Meyer (RT Idaho), Lee Burkins (RT Vermont), John Good (RT Texas & RT Arizona), John C McGovern (RT Virginia), Larry Crowder (Special Security Office), Bill Barclay (RT Krait), Nick Brokhausen (RT Habu) and Steve Perry (ST Idaho and ST New Jersey) about how we can make what we do as correct as possible. Here is what John S. Meyer, Bill Barclay and John C McGovern had to say.
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We are a non-political organisation!

Team News & Site Updates

Site Update: SOG Veteran Memorial Tribute: Nguyen Cong Hiep: 0-1 RT Idaho: 1947-2017: 18.07.17:
It's with great sadness that we annouce the passing of legendary Vietnamese 0-1 Nguyen Cong Hiep.

Site Update: JCRC Veteran Grouping: Roger Urbaniak: Fall of Saigon-1975: 15.04.17:
An amazing grouping from a JCRC veteran who was one of the last to leave Saigon during the fall of South Vietnam.

Site Update: SOG One Sixth SOG/Vietnam Collection: 18.01.17:
Our first post of the year and one with a difference, its all 1/6 scale! Thanks to the collector in China who sent these through.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Michael P. Buckland: MACV-SOG CCC/TF2AE - Class A Jacket: 19.11.16:
A Class A jacket from SOG veteran Michael P.Buckland.

Site Update: War & Peace Revival 2016 - JCRC: 25.09.16:
A rather large update from this years War & Peace Revival Show where we featured the Joint Casualty Resolution Center (JCRC)

Site Update: Modern Forces - MACV-SOG Collection: 03.09.16:
An update on the Modern Forces MACV-SOG collection.

Site Update: Modern Forces - MACV-SOG Motor Pool - Winter Rebuild: 03.09.16:
This winters project, a rebuild of the teams large transport.

Site Update: JCRC Veteran: LTC Fisher - JCRC Uniform Group: 18.08.16:
A very rare grouping from a JCRC veteran

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Donald Maley- A Company Hatchet Force - RT Anaconda - RT Asp - CISO Modified Top: 18.08.16:
A in-country modified CISO black pajama top owned by SOG veteran Donald Maley

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Larry M. White - RT Hawaii - Covey Rider - JCRC - Sprayed Leggings: 18.08.16:
A pair of sprayed leggings from Larry M. White, codename Six Pack

Site Update: Camo Spray Painted Cut-down Black CISO Boonie: 18.08.16:
A spray painted example of black CISO (Counter Insurgency Support Office) produced boonie

Site Update:SOG Veteran Tribute - Al Boyer - ST Asp - CCN, MACV-SOG, 5TH SF GROUP: 18.08.16:
Our good friend Jack Kull has done a supurb tribite to Al Boyer who was lost with ST Asp.

Site Update: SOG Veteran Tribute - Nick Brokhausen - RT Habu and RT Crusader- CCN, MACV-SOG, 5TH SF GROUP: 18.08.16:
Our good friend Jack Kull has done a supurb tribite to Al Boyer who was lost with ST Asp.

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Major Thomas Dolighan:
Personal Effects Grouping: 18.08.16:
A selection of personal items named to SOG veteran Major Thomas Dolighan.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SP4 Frederick Howard RT New Jersey - CCC/FOB 1 - 1st Pattern 1-0 Jacket: 10.07.16:
A rare example of the 1st pattern 1-0 jacket owned by RT New Jersey veteran Fred Howard.

Site Update: USAF/USMC Veteran - J. P. Finneran - Covey Rider Thai Tiger Party Suit & Beret: 10.07.16:
A nice grouping of 19 TASS beret and 20 TASS party suit belonging to J.P. Finneran

Site Update: Reversible Black & Tigerstripe Boonie: 10.07.16:
Another example of the reversible locally made boonie.

Site Update: CISO Veteran: Ben Baker: - CISO Issued Waltham Wrist Compass: 26.06.16:
An iconic SOG item the CISO issued Waltham wrist compass

Site Update: CISO Veteran: Ben Baker: - CISO Prototype Poncho: 26.06.16:
A CISO produced prototype nylon poncho.

Site Update: CISO Veteran: Ben Baker: - CISO Prototype Poncho: 26.06.16:
A CISO produced prototype nylon poncho.

Site Update: CISO Veteran: Ben Baker: - CISO Wilkie Compass: 26.06.16:
A CISO procurred German Wilkie Compass.

Site Update: CISO Veteran: Ben Baker: - CISO Indig Rations: 26.06.16:
A an example of CISO produced rations.

Site Update: CISO Veteran: Ben Baker: - CISO NVA Boonie: 26.06.16:
A CISO manufactured copy of the NVA Boonie.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Charles M. Franks: MACV-SOG CCN 1969-71 - CISO NVA Rucksack: 06.06.16:
A CISO manufactured copy of the NVA Rucksack owned by CCN veteran Chalres M. Franks

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Jim Jones-Shorten: MACV-SOG CCC 1969-71 - Modified SOG Black Boonie: 21.05.16:
A modified black boonie belonging to Jim Jones Shorten of RT Delaware.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Paul Schuerenberg - TF2AE Hatchet Force/RT Ohio/Arkansas - CISO NVA Boots: 21.05.16:
A pair of CISO manufactured copies of NVA Boots

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Robert A. Bradow: CCN/TF1AE: Green Beret: 21.05.16:
A Special Forces Green Beret belonging to SOG Veteran Robert A. Bradow.

Site Update: New Sponsors - East Asia Supply Company: 21.05.16:
We are please to say we are working with East Asia Supply Company to provide us with some unique uniforms for this years War & Peace Revival, something quite different and an important part of the history of the conflict in South East Asia. Jim produces some of the best quality SOG related reproductions on the market.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Robert A. Bradow: CCN/TF1AE: Patched Jungle Shirt: 24.04.16:
A team patched jungle shirt belonging to SOG Veteran Robert A. Bradow.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Robert A. Bradow: CCN/TF1AE: SOG Plaque: 24.04.16:
The SOG plaque presented to SOG Veteran Robert A. Bradow.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Paul Schuerenberg - TF2AE Hatchet Force/RT Ohio/Arkansas - Sprayed WW2 Leggings : 24.04.16:
A pair of SOG modified WW2 1938 leggings.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Paul Schuerenberg - TF2AE Hatchet Force/RT Ohio/Arkansas - ARVN Reconnaissance Wings: 24.04.16:
A pair of ARVN Reconnaissence Wings gifted to SOG Veteran Paul Schuerenberg

Site Update: Special Operations Association Reunion (SOAR)- Souvenir T-shirt: 24.04.16:
Areunion t-shirt from the 5th SOAR event in Las Vegas

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SPF Frederick Howard: CISO Sweater: 24.04.16:
A super rare CISO produced sweater named to SOG veteran Frederick Howard of RT New Jersey

Site Update: Experimental SOG "Footprint" Jungle Boot Mould: 10.04.16:
The strangest but possibaly the rarest item on the site, this is one of the original moulds for the SOG experimental "footprint" jungle boots.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Robert A. Bradow: CCN/TF1AE: Modified Cross Border Tigerstripe Shirt: 30.03.16:
A modifed tigerstripe shirt belonging to SOG Veteran Robert A. Bradow.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: SGT Robert A. Bradow: CCN/TF1AE: Modified 1-0 Vest: 30.03.16:
A modifed 1-0 vest belonging to SOG Veteran Robert A. Bradow.

Site Update: Modfied "Over The Fence" ERDL Uniform: 30.03.16:
A modifed 1-0 vest belonging to SOG Veteran Robert A. Bradow.

Site Update: MACV-SOG/Task Force Advisory Elements - Black Ball Cap: 07.02.16:
A Vietnamese made black ball cap from the later period of SOG involvement in the Vietnam War

Site Update: AN/PAS-6 Infrared Viewing Device - Metascope: 07.02.16:
A deadstock AN/PAS-6 Infrared Viewing Device or Metascope used at MACV-SOG sites such as Leghorn Mission Support Site, (also known as Leghorn MSS, Eagle's Nest, Gibralter or Golf-5)

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Capt Frank Vecchiarello: CCC: 5000 Series SOG Knife: 05.02.16:
A 5000 series SOG Knife owned Capt Frank Vecchiarello (known as Vic). Frank was a 1-3 at Kontum, CCC.

Site Update: Counter Insurgency Support Office (CISO) Jumper: 05.02.16:
A super rare CISO produced sweater.

Site Update: Counter Insurgency Support Office (CISO) Indigenous Ruck Sack - Deadstock: 05.02.16:
A super deadstock "indig" rucksack

Site Update: SOG/B-56 (Project Sigma) Veteran Tigerstripe Shirt - SSG Robert L Dodd - 1-0: 26.01.16:
A tigerstripe shirt named to SOG/B-56 veteran SSG Robert L Dodd.

Site Update: SOG/B-56 (Project Sigma) Veteran Gold Tigerstripe Boonie: 26.01.16:
A mint Gold Tigerstripe Boonie named to a Project Sigma veteran.

Site Update: Navy SEAL Float Coat: 26.01.16:
A super minty polin version of the Navy Seal Floatcoat.

Site Update: CISO 4-Pocket Shirt: 26.01.16:
A tan CISO produced 4-pocket sterile shirt.

Site Update: SOG Veteran Post-war STABO Rig - Virgil Dillon: 26.01.16:
A post-war modified STABO rig used by SOG veteran Virgin Dillon.

Site Update: SF Veteran Post-war RDF Uniform- Steve Grace: 26.01.16:
A post-war badged RDF uniform named to SF veteran Steve Grace.

Site Update: SF Veteran - Central America Drug Interdiction Custom Boonie: 26.01.16:
A post-war custom made boonie used by a Special Forces veteran in Central America in the 1980s.

Site Update: War & Peace Revival 2015 - Operation Spindown Video: 23.01.16:
Our first post of 2016 is one from our show in 2015...its taken a while but we have the video we shot at War & Peace Revival 2015 live. It won't win an Oscar but it adds a differen perspective to our display.

Site Update: Spike Team ASP (lost March 28, 1968 in Laos) 1-0 Sgt George "Ron" Brown - Honorary Member Jack Kull Update: 23.01.16:
The second of two updates from our honoray member Jack Kull

Site Update: Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) - Honorary Member Jack Kull Update: 23.01.16:
The first of two updates from our honoray member Jack Kull

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Joe Paris - Embroidered Black Boonie 15.12.15:
An embroidered black boonie that belonged to SOG veteran Joe Paris.

Site Update: SOG Veteran - John Styker Meyer Tiger Stripe Boonie 24.11.15:
A Tiger Stripe boonie that belonged to SOG legend and Author John Stryker Meyer

Site Update: Black- Tigerstrip Reversible Boonie 24.11.15:
One of the super rare SOG related items, the reversible black & Tiger Stripe boonie

Site Update: Seiko 5 Presentation Box 24.11.15:
A nice example of a Seiko 5 presentation box as issued to SOG personel

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Jerry "Charlie" Weaver: MACV-SOG CCN Veteran (KIA 1970) - Tiger Stripe Apron 24.11.15:
A (probably) unique example of a Japanese Tiger Stripe apron from SOG veteran Jerry Weaver

Site Update:SOG Veteran - Grank Bollenbach ERDL "Stingy brim" Boonie 26.10.15:
An example of a modfied issue boonie with patch from SOG veteran Grant Bollenbach

Site Update:SOG Veteran - Robert Cook Tigerstripe Boonie 26.10.15:
A great Tiger boonie and SMF skull beercan that belonged to SOG veteran Robert Cook

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Robert Ramsey HALO/Static Line Transister Radio 26.10.15:
A transister radio used by RT Asp veteran Robvert Ramsey on a static line parachute jump into Laos.

Site Update:First pattern One-Zero Vest 26.10.15:
A very rare example of the first pattern One-Zero vest

Site Update:SOG Veterans - Paul L. Brinkman- Embroidered One-Zero Jacket & SOG Plaque 26.10.15:
An example of the 3rd pattern one-zero vest and CCC SOG shellburst plaque belonging to SOG veteran Paul L Brinkman

Site Update:Modified ERDL Shirt 26.10.15:
An example of a modifed ERDL shirt with Vietnamese made tapes

Site Update:War & Peace Revival 2015 - Operation Spindown 13.10.15:
It's taken a while but our photos representing Operation Spindown fron this years big show in Folkestone are live.

Site Update:David R Speicher USAF Combat Documentory Photographer 1967 – 1970 09.10.15:
A rare grouping from a FAC Combat Photographer who flew over Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

Site Update: SOG Veterans - John R. Newman- Embroidered Black Boonie 21.06.15:
An embroidered black boonie from RT New Hampshire veteran John R Newman.

Site Update: SOG Veterans - Michael P Buckland - 1-0 Jacket 21.06.15:
An embroidered second pattern 1-o jacket from RT Maine veteran Michale P Buckland.

Site Update: SOG Veterans - Jim Jones-Shorten Modified Uniform 30.05.15:

Site Update: SOG Veterans - Jim Jones-Shorten Modified Uniform base uniform & boonie 30.05.15:
A documented dyed base uniform & boonie belonging to CCC veteran Jim Jones-Shorten.

Site Update: JCRC Veterans - Donald Green RT Texas 1-0 Jacket and Modified Boonie 30.05.15:
A rare 3rd pattern 1-0 jacket and modified boonie belonging to Donald Green of RT Texas

Site Update: SOG Veterans - SFC Johnson Clark- Element B Survey Team 30.05.15:
A modifed jungle jacket and marker flags from JCRC (Joint Casualty Recovery Center) veteran Johnson Clark

Site Update: SOG Veterans - Larry Trimble CCN - RT Asp & RT Rattler 30.05.15:
A dyed black over the fence jacket used by CCN veteran Larry Trimble

Site Update: SOG Veterans - Conversations with Ray Harris 18.04.15:
We have been bouncing some emails around with SOG veteran Ray Harris,CCC and author of Break Contact, Continue Mission.

Site Update: Custom Made Japanese Tigerstripe Smock 18.04.15:
A custom made smock made from Japanese Tigerstripe fabric, not a SOG item but very cool.

Site Update: East Asia Supply Company - Reproduction CISO Uniforms 18.04.15:
The latest reproduction uniforms from East Asia Supply Company.

Site Update: Vietnamese Made Black Boonie - Marvin K. Meadows 28.03.15:
A Vietnamese made black boonie from A-411 veteran Marvin K. Meadows.

Site Update: CISO Tiger Stripe Boonie 28.03.15:
A CISO (Counter Insergency Support Office) manufacture Tiger Stripe Boonie

Site Update: SOG Modified "Over The Fence" Jacket 08.03.15:
Rare mofied "Over The Fence" Jacket.

Site Update: Capt Anthony j "Tony" Salandro: STABO Harness 08.03.15:
Named STABO rig to TCAE (Task Force Advisory Elements ) STDAT (Strategic Technical Directorate Assistance Team) veteran.

Site Update: Battle of Lang Vei: A retrospective with Col Paul Longgrear (Ret): 26.12.14:
An interview with Paul Longgrear about the battle at Lang Vei by Jim Hruska

Site Update: SOG Knives - Lawrence Predmore - RT Illinois: 23.12.14:
Named SOG knives from SOG veteran Larry Predmore of RT Illinois

Site Update: HALO Gear - T-10 Reserve and Bunny Helmet: 23.12.14:
Some new HALO related items including the altimeter and stopwatch with mount

Site Update: SOG Veteran - Leon Sonnenburg: 24.11.14:
Our latest interview is with Leon Sonnenburg, 1-0 of RT Wedge and 1-1 of RT Fer- De- Lance

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2014: 12.10.14:
An extra series of photos from this years big show in Detling

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2014: 12.10.14:
An extra series of photos from this years big show in Detling

Site Update: War & Peace Revival 2014: 06.10.14:
An extra series of photos from this years big show in Folkestone

Site Update: Douglas Henry Child: A Tribute: 02.09.14:
A tribute to Doug Child who passed on 30/08/14

Site Update: War & Peace Revival 2014: 18.08.14:
A series of photos from this years big show in Folkestone

Site Update: Overlord 2014 pt2: 10.08.14:
A few more shots from the Overlord show

Site Update: Overlord 2014: 18.06.14:
Overlord on the South Coast of England is our usual season opener, a chance to dust our kit off and meet some members of the public

Site Update: 2014 Season Admin Day: 13.05.14:
In anticipation of the 2014 show season we had a good productive day down at our storage facility, unpacking, logging and repacking.

Site Update: A trip to B.V. Reomie Automateriaal in Holland: 13.05.14:
A trip to Arnhem to visit one of Europes largest US Military vehicle breakers.

Site Update: 2014 Show List: 16.04.14:
A list of 2014s shows and events.

Site Update: US Issue Dextro Amphetamine Tablets: 27.01.14:
An example of period issue Amphetamine pills issued to SOG recon teams.

Site Update: Bushnell Featherlight Binoculars: 27.01.14:
A period pair of Bushnell Featherlight binoculars, favoured by SOG teams as a private purchase item.

Site Update: SOI & KAC Booklets: 27.01.14:
A period pair of Bushnell Featherlight binoculars, favoured by SOG teams as a private purchase item.

Site Update: Tim Clough: SOG Veteran Interview: 23.12.13:
An interview with CCN veteran Tim Clough.

Site Update: Anti-Contact Gloves: 23.12.13:
Cold weather anti-contact gloves used by some recon teams during missions.

Site Update: Bravo6 Resin 1/35th NVA Counter Recon Team: 23.12.13:
The latest SOG related figures from Russian resin producer Bravo6.

Site Update: 2013 Military Odyssey Photos: 17.09.13:
A series of photos taken at this years Military Odyssey show, a multi-period event in Kent, England.

Site Update: 2013 War & Peace Revival Photos: 21.08.13:
A series of photos taken at this years War & Peace Revival Show in Folkestone

Site Update: CISO NVA Shirt: 08.08.13:
A nice min example of the CISO produced NVA short for use by US cross-border teams

Site Update: SOG Motor Pool: Update: 08.07.13:
We spent the weekend collecting, prepping and spraying the new team truck; the REO M35A1.

Site Update: Southeast Asia POW/MIA Accounting Oversight Visit:04.07.13:
A series of photos from a trip to Laos by Jack Kull.

Site Update: SOG Motor Pool: Update: 04.07.13:
We have been sorting the transport out for the team, here is a quick status update.

Site Update: Overlord Show: 2013: 10.06.13:
A series of photo reports from our first show of the years, the rather excellent Overlord show near Portsmouth.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Frank Vecchiarello 1-0 Jacket & engraved Mug: 12.04.13:
A rare example of 1-0 jacket and engraved mug belonging to SOG veteran Frank Vecchiarello.

Site Update: NVA T54 Tank found on Ho Chi Minh Trail: 04.04.13:
An article from Peter Allen Lloyd on a buried Type 59 tank from the Ho Chi Minh Trai in Laos.

Site Update: Finding a U.S. MIA camp in the jungle: 29.03.13:
A new article from Peter Allen Lloyd about finding a U.S. MIA in the Loatian Jungle

Site Update: SOG Motor Pool: M101A1 Trailer Parts: 29.03.13:
Some new parts have arrived for the teams M101A1 trailer.

Site Update: SOG Motor Pool: Truck Collection: 23.03.13:
The team truck has now been collected and delivered to the mechanics for an overhaul.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Frank Vecchiarello Black Boonie: 20.03.13:
A rare example of SOG black boonie belonging to SOG veteran Frank Vecchiarello.

Site Update: SOG 1-0 Vest: 20.03.13:
A rare example of a genuine SOG 1-0 vest.

Site Update: CISO 4-pocket Uniform: 20.03.13:
A rare example of the CISO produced 4-pocket uniform in a heavyweight fabric.

Site Update: SF Veteran: Quinn Grouping: 20.03.13:
A grouping of uniforms from an SF veteran.

Site Update: SF Veteran: Quinn Tigerstrip Uniform: 20.03.13:
A mint and unissued Tigerstripe uniform

Site Update: US Trip: Los Angeles & Kentucky: 14.03.13:
On a recent trip to the US we met up with SOG veterans, Jim Bolen and Thomas R. Lawson, at the SoS show in Kentucky.

Site Update: Psychological Operations and the Ho Chi Minh Trail: 24.02.13:
We have been given permissionto reproduce an article from the website, reproduced by kind permission of Sergeant Major Herbert Friedman, a specialist in psychological warfare and arranged by Peter Alan Lloyd.

Site Update: 1/35 SOG Figures from Bravo 6: 24.02.13:
The latest in teh range of SOG figures has been released by Russian sculptor Vladimir Demchenko

Site Update: 2013 Show List: 20.02.13:
We are doing three shows this year and the details can be found on our show page.

Site Update: Team Vehicle: M35A2C 2.5 Ton Truck: 15.02.13:
We have a new team vehicle in the shape the classic Deace!

Site Update: Spring Projects: M37 Truck & M101A1 Trailer: 10.02.13:
As 2013 is well and trily here its time to start our Spring projects. This includes adding a tow hitch to the Dodge and restoring our new M101A1 trailer.

Site Update: SGM Billy Waugh: SOG & CIA Veteran Interview: 02 .02.13:
We have been waiting for this one for a long time, this is an interview with Billy Waught conducted by Paul Bishop and SOG veteran Jim Hruska.

Site Update: Jim Bolen: CCC & CCS Veteran: Badged Jungle Uniform: 02 .02.13:
A nice badged poplin uniform from SOG veteran Jim Bolen, we also have an interview with Jim here.

Site Update: Kent B. White Jr: CCC Veteran M65 Field Jacket: 26.01.13:
A badgedM65 Field Jacket from CCC veteran Kent B. White Jr, also the author of Long Shadows and Prairie Fire.

Site Update: Serum Albumin Can: 06.01.13:
A reproduction Serum Albumin can used to prevent blood pressure lossfor wounded soldiers.

Site Update: Modified ChiCom SKS Chest Rig: 06.01.13:
Our first update of the year is a reproduction of a modified SKS Chest Rig as used by RT New Yorks' Bobby Pruett.

Site Update: CIA Operations in Laos; a Case Officer remembers: Part 4 - 1970s Vientiene and leaving Long Tieng: 15.12.12:
Our latest interview with CIA Case Officer Jack Jolis.

Site Update: Video Interview: Major-General John Singlaub: 09.12.12:
Great video interview with OSS and SOG legend John Singlaub.

Site Update: Bravo 6 1/35 Vietnam Scale Figures: 09.12.12:
Some great scale figures from Russian sculter Bravo 6.

Site Update: Are there any Vietnam era POWs alive in Laos? A Trip to Sam Neau and Vieng Xai Caves: 28.11.12:
A thought provoking opinion piece by Peter Alan Lloyd.

Site Update: Virginia Morris: SOG Veteran Interviews: 25.11.12:
Some great SOG veteran interviews from author Virginia Morris.

Site Update: Bravo 6 1/35 MACV SOG Figures Set 2: 11.11.12:
The latest in the MACV-SOG series from Russian figure sculpter Bravo 6 has been released, and as usual the quality is amazing!.

Site Update: Jim Bolen: SOG Veteran Interview: 28.10.12:
We have a new photographs fromSOG veteran Jim Bolen, 1-0 of RT Auger.

Site Update: M16A1 & AN/PVS-2 Starlight Scope: 14.10.12:
A working example of the first generation night vision scope, the AN/PVS-2 mounted to an M16A1 rifle.

Site Update: M101A1 Trailer: 14.10.12:
We have added an M101A1 Trailer to the vehicle pool, a Spring restoration project.

Site Update: A Trip Around Laos P3: Sekong to Attapeu: 13.10.12:
Another photo-trip around present day Laos from writer Peter Alan Lloyd, this is the third in the series.

Site Update: CIA Operations in Laos; a Case Officer remembers: Part 3 - Life at Long Tieng:04.08.12:
The latest in a series of interviews with CIA case officer Jack Jolis.

Site Update: Military Odyssey : 2012: The Display 04.08.12:
A small photo update from Military Odyssey, this one showing the display.

Site Update: Military Odyssey : 2012: The Show 04.08.12:
A small photo update from Military Odyssey, this one showing the show and the family enjoying themselves.

Site Update: Military Odyssey : 19.07.12:
We have another show coming up for the Bank Holiday Weekend, come down and say hello.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Peter Lloyd Photos: 18.07.12:
More Photos from War & Peace, this time taken by team member Peter Lloyd.

Site Update: A Trip Around Laos Pt2: Salavan to Sekong: 17.07.12:
Another photo-trip around present day Laos from writer Peter Alan Lloyd, this is the second in the series.

Site Update: CIA Operations in Laos; a Case Officer remembers: Part 2 - Prisoner Interrogations: 16.07.12:
A second interview with CIA Case Officer Jack Jolis by the writer Peter Alan Lloyd.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Photo Index: 12.08.12:
This page has a link to all the photos taken at this years War & Peace show.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: RT West Virginia: 12.08.12:
We added a new Recon Team to our display this year, RT West Virginia who were the only team to be exclusively equipped with NVA uniforms and weapons.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Dak To Launch Site: 12.08.12:
This year was our biggest recreation of the Dak To launch site yet, we added a control tower and radio room.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Adrian Murphy Photos: 12.08.12:
These photos were taken using an original Olympus Pen EE camera

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Michael Backhouse Photos: 12.08.12:
It seems our newest member is a bit of a photographer, some stylish shots of our display can be found here

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: M134 Minigun: 12.08.12:
Our new team truck needed so some SOG firepower so we have constructed a replica M134 Minigun, this series shows the build and the gun on the truck.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Truck Repair: 12.08.12:
Our new team truck needed some repairs so we got them done on site courtesy of the Red Ball Express chaps.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: The Show: 12.08.12:
War & Peace has a huge Living Histoty field, this a quick overview of some of the displays.

Site Update: War & Peace 2012: Set Up: 12.08.12:
It was our biggest display ever so needed 3 days of set up from the team, some shots of the build can be found here.

Site Update: CIA Operations in Laos; a Case Officer remembers: Part 1 - The Rascal Program: 10.07.12:
A new interview with CIA Case Officer Jack Jolis by the writer Peter Alan Lloyd.

Site Update: A Trip Around Laos Pt 1: Pakse to Salavan: 09.07.12:
Something a little different for this update, a photo-trip around present day Laos from writer Peter Alan Lloyd, this is the first in a series.

Site Update: Video Footage featuring SOG and the Ho Chi Minh Trail 30.06.12:
Rare footage of the Ho Chi Minh trail with a brief appearence by a SOG team at 3 minutes in, also some footage of a AC130 Specture mission against the trail.

Site Update: Team Vehicle Update: Dodge M37 30.06.12:
The transformation of our new truck is complete, its now marked as a US Army vehicle and has a new canvas hood.

Site Update: Operation Ivory Coast: Interview with Pat St.Clair: Blueboy Assualt Team 07.06.12:
An interview with CSM (ret.) Pat St.Clair a member of the Blueboy Assault Team during the Son Tay Raid.

Site Update: Operation Ivory Coast: Blueboy Assualt Team: Custom 1/6 Figure 28.05.12:
An amazing custom 1/6 figure from Ryan Peterson representing a member of the Blueboy Assault team during the Son Tay raid.

Site Update: Bunkerbash 2012: Photo Report: 23.05.12:
A quick report from this years Bunker Bash in Essex.

Site Update: Jim Hruska: SOG Veteran Photos: 12.05.12:
We a great new photograph fromSOG veteran Jim Hruska.

Site Update: Jim Hruska: SOG Veteran Photos: 02.05.12:
We have some more new photographs fromSOG veteran Jim Hruska.

Site Update: SOG Books: SOG Behind Enemy Lines: Harve Saal: 21.04.12:
A reare full four volume set of this classic and ground breaking SOG history from veteran Harve Saal..

Site Update: SOG Veteran: On The Ground & Over The Fence Kindle Books: 16.04.12:
John "Tilt" Stryker Meyers classic SOG books are now available as ebooks on Amazon.

Site Update: New Team Member: 1953 Dodge M37: 16.04.12:
We have a new addition to the team in the shape of a 1953 Dodge M37 3/4 truck, this will provide team transport at this years shows.

Site Update: Jim Hruska: SOG Veteran Interview: 16.04.12:
We have a new photographs fromSOG veteran Jim Hruska.

Site Update: SOG Recon Team: Bravo 6 1/35 Scale Figures: 06.04.12:
Some amazing 1/35 scale figures from Russian company Bravo 6.

Site Update: Capt John T. Boykin: Green Beret: 01.04.12:
A beautiful example of a Vietnam era embroidered Green Beret that belonged to Capt John T. Boykin the Team Leader, A - 341, 5th Special Forces, Bu Dop A-Camp.

Site Update: CISO Sleeping Bag: 01.04.12:
An example of a CISO produced indigenous sleeping bag, this is in a different colour way and larger than our existing example.

Site Update: Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG): 01.04.12:
We have updated the RPG page with an inert example of the actual grenade complete with tail-fin, these were used by some American RT teams when running "heavy"

Site Update: CCN Modfied "Over the fence" Jungle Shirt: 14.03.12:
This jacket is one of those once in a lifetime finds, it came from a flea market and has all the right features (and approved by all the right people)

Site Update: Special Forces Jungle Suit: 14.03.12:
A nice Vietnamese tailored Special Forces Jungle Suit, not researched yet.

Site Update: Det Cord: 14.03.12:
We have updated the Det Cord page with some inert training Det Cord.

Site Update: Excavations of Burial Sites at Vietnamese Re-Education Camps by The Returning Casualty: 03.03.12:
The Returning Casualty is a American-Vietnamese charity whose work involves the excavation of camp cemeteries so the
remains of the soldiers can be returned to their families after DNA testing, a friend of the tem wrote this article and the work she has been
doing in Vietnam.

Site Update: SOG Veteran Interview: 26.02.12:
We have a new interview with SOG veteran Jim Hruska, includes lots of un-published pictures and some items he work in Vietnam.

Site Update: Combat Cash: Discovery Channel: 12.01.12:
Our friends Bob Chatt & owen Thornton have a new TV show on Discovery, it follows them round the US buying and selling military collectables.

Site Update: MACV-SOG: Team History of a Clandestine Army: Jason Hardy: 20.11.11:
Jason Hardys latest SOG book is available, and its essential reading.

Site Update: Jerry "Charlie" Weaver: FOB 3 CCN MACV-SOG Veteran Grouping Pt 4: 22.10.11:
We havent had any updates for a while but the latest Weaver group made it back from the States on a recent trip.

Site Update: Special Forces Airline Style Carry On Bag: 22.10.11:
This stylish Naugahyde airline carry on bag is ideal for your trips in-country.

Site Update: Site Update: US Military Museum, El Monte California: 22.10.11:
During our trip to the States we tagged along to the filming of a new military TV show, the location was this amazing military museum in LA.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Dak to Launch Site History: 07.08.11:
Our display theme this year was the Dak To launch site, this is brief history of the location.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Cambodia 1969: Prisoner Snatch Mission: 07.08.11:
The first of our photo-shoots from this years War & Peace show, this one depicting a prisoner snatch mission in Cambodia.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Video Page 2: 07.08.11:
This year we wanted to take some Super 8 style footage of the team and display, this is the second of those pages

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Video Page 1: 07.08.11:
This year we wanted to take some Super 8 style footage of the team and display, this is the first of those pages

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Brightlight Duty: 07.08.11:
All recon teams had to pull Brightlight duty for seven days at Dak To, this series of photos represents that important task.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: BBQ Night: 07.08.11:
This year we held two BBQ nights, a great success and quite busy. You can see some photos here.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Life Around Camp: 07.08.11:
We spend 10 days in period at War & Peace, here are some shots around the camp.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Living History Displays: 07.08.11:
A photo-shoot depicting the wide variety of Living History displays at this years Beltring show.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Display Set Up: 07.08.11:
A photo-shoot depicting the set up of our display at this years Beltring show, it was windy and rainy. Great fun!

Site Update: War & Peace 2011:Press Coverage: 07.08.11:
We were interviewed by the press a few times this year including Stars & Stripes Europe and Armed Forces Network TV.

Site Update:War & Peace Preview: 2011: 29.07.11:
This years War & Peace show was our most ambitious yet, we tried to recreate the Dak To launch site and a Brightlight team on duty. We have lots of pictures and videos to come but for us this quote from a historian with knowledge of Dak To made it all worth it.
Just like to convey to your team what an excellent job you all did in portraying the DAK TO Launch Site @ this years War and Peace Show. Very best regards,
"Odd Bod"
Green Hornet (20th SOS) AS.
Lots of video and photos to follow.

Site Update: Douglas A-1 Skyraider:11.07.11:
Some shots of SOGs favourite fixed wing support aircraft the Douglas Skyraider at this years Duxford Flying legends Airshow taken by team member Peter Lloyd.

Site Update: Warning Order: War and Peace 2011:05.07.11:
It's nearly time for our big show of the year and this years plans are our most ambitious yet, involving a team of carpenters, builders etc... we would love to meet new folks and talk all things SOG.

Site Update: Trucks and Troops: Hadeel Baker Photographs:04.07.11:
Some more photos from Trucks and Troops, this time from Hadeel Baker. It's a long page...

Site Update: 1/6 Al Boyer Tribute:04.07.11:
Our man in the US Jack Kull has created this tribute to ST Asp 1-1 Al Boyer for his mother, a fitting tribute we think.

Site Update: Trucks and Troops 2011: Vintage Photos:19.06.11:
We have been using a clever iPhone app called Hipstamatic to create vintage style photos. These photos show the set-up and other aspects of our display.

Site Update: Trucks and Troops 2011: Video Photos: 19.06.11:
A set of photosfrom team member Chris Perrin.

Site Update: Trucks and Troops 2011: Video Footage:19.06.11:
We have been using another clever iPhone app called 8mm to create vintage style video.We plan on doing a lot more at our big show this year, War & Peace.

Site Update: Revised & Expended SOG Book: Bright Light : Untold Stories of the Secret War in Vietnam: 15.05.11:
Steve Perry has revised and updated his new book book with revised copy and 15 new photos, you can order your copy on the link here.

Site Update: SOG HALO Equipments: Ron Brown Collection:29.04.11:
Collector Ron Brown has given us access to his collection of SOG HALO and PARASCUBA equipment.

Site Update: Patriotic Website Award: VA Home Loans: 25.04.11:
We have been given an award from VA Home The VA Home Purchase program is available to most active-duty U.S. military personnel, non-active duty veterans, and surviving spouses of veterans who died in service so we are proud to be given this award.

Site Update: Jack Kull: Vietnam Visit April 2011: 23.04.11:
US member Jack Kull was in Vietnam recently with his role as senior Vietnam War policy advisor at the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) The occasion was to attend ceremonies commemorating the 10th anniversary of the April 2001 chopper crash that killed 16 US and Viets on a POW/MIA investigation mission.

Site Update: Montagnard Dashiki Shirt: 18.04.11:
A purchase from our US trip is this Montagnard Dashiki Shirt, perfect for chilling down the Green Beret lounge.

Site Update: Lowering Line Adapter Web: 18.04.11:
We have updated the HALO equipment page to include the Lowering Line Adapter Web, the final item to complete the HALO equipment and another find on our US trip.

Site Update: SOG Team House Display: Period Beer Cartons: 18.04.11:
We are always searching for period accesories for our display, it's the details that count, so when we found these beer cartons on our recent US trip we had to have them.

Site Update: Jerry "Charlie" Weaver: FOB 3 CCN MACV-SOG Veteran Grouping Pt 3: 18.04.11:
On our recent trip to the US we collected the remaining items from the second Weaver grouping, they can be found at the bottom of the page and include his Corcoran Jump Boots. We have a third grouping in transit from the States.

Site Update: M1967 30 Round Pouch with RT-10 Radio: 18.04.11:
In our recent interview with RT New York 1-0 he stated he wore an ammo pouch containing the RT10 Survival Radio on his shoulder to free his hands up during radio usage.

Site Update: US Trip: Kammo-Mans War Room Update: 17.04.11:
The team have been in the US again this month and we have an update from Kammo-mans war room, some great new pieces have been added.

Site Update: SOG Veteran Interview: Ed Wolcoff: RT New York CCC: 03.04.11:
Another SOG veteran interview, this time with RT New York 1-0 Ed Wolcoff, who spent a total of 25 months in Vietnam. Ed has given some really detailed descriptions of his equipment and missions.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011 Display: Dak To Launch Site: 03.04.11:
Our display to honour the men of SOG will be a recreation of the Dak To launch site, used by recon teams of CCC to launch "Over the Fence". It will be our most ambitious display yet!

Site Update: MIA: Donald Monroe Shue RT Maryland CCN: 02.04.11:
Donald Shue of Kannapolis went missing while serving with SOG/CCN in the Vietnam War. His remains will return April 30.

Site Update: SOG Veteran Interview: Jim Jones-Shorten: RT Delaware CCC: 02.04.11:
We have a new interview with RT Delaware 1-0 Jim Jones-Shorten

Site Update: SOG Veteran Interview: Joe Parnar, CCC: 1968-69: 13.03.11:
Our latest interview is with Joe Parnar a Special Forces medic running out of CCC. Kontum.

Site Update: Across The Fence: The Secret War In Vietnam - Expanded Edition: 10.03.11:
SOG 1-0 John Stryker Meyer has updated and re-released his classic (and long out of print) book Accross The Fence. There is an exceprt on this page and details on how to purchase. It is highly recomended.

Site Update: Promis: Jack Murphy: 10.03.11:
A new book that features a SOG operative and written by 5th SF veteran Jack Murphy features Modern Forces images on the cover. It's also a great read!!

Site Update: Jerry "Charlie" Weaver: FOB 3 CCN MACV-SOG Veteran Grouping Pt 2: 20.02.11:
We are honoured to be able to display thissecond grouping from SOG KIA Jerry "Charlie" Weaver, its has some amazing items and we feel its display here is a tribute to this brave mans service.

Site Update: War & Peace 2011: Reminder: 20.02.11:
We have been sent a few shots from War & Peace 2011 from our friend Hadeel Baker, seems like a good way to start the season and the planning for this years show. Bigger and better...

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Michael Stahl: 1-0 RT Michigan: Last Mission 1970: 09.01.11:
We have some new content from SOG veteran Michael Stahl (on the left in the photo above)

Site Update: US Veteran: Steve Bookout: 158th Aviation Battalion, 101st Airborne Division & Razorbacks Armed Helicopters platoon 120th AHC: 22.01.11:
We have been speaking to another pilot who flew SOG missions over the fence, as well as lots of other mission types.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: CCC Kontum: Bill Kendall: Part 4: CCC MACV-SOG 1964-65: 19.01.11:
We have been working with bill to get his photos in chronlogical order and add some more images, this is the fifth and final album.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: CCC Kontum: Bill Kendall: Part 4: House 10 Saigon MACV-SOG 1964-65: 19.01.11:
We have been working with bill to get his photos in chronlogical order and add some more images, this is the fourth album.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: CCC Kontum: Bill Kendall: Part 3: House 10 & Camp Long Thanh MACV-SOG 1964-6: 19.01.11:
We have been working with bill to get his photos in chronlogical order and add some more images, this is the third album

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: CCC Kontum: Bill Kendall: Part 2: Early Career & Camp Long Thanh: 19.01.11:
We have been working with bill to get his photos in chronlogical order and add some more images, this is the second album.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: CCC Kontum: Bill Kendall: Part 1: Early years & Documents: 19.01.11:
We have been working with bill to get his photos in chronlogical order and add some more images, this is the first album

Site Update: US Airforce SRU 21/P Survival Vest: 08.01.11:
It was thought for a while SOG didn't wear the US Airforce Survival Vest, well at least one person did according to Jason Hardy's new book. Pictures after the link.

Site Update: Jerry "Charlie" Weaver: A Friend Remembers: 04.01.11:
While doing research on the Weaver grouping we got this mail form a friend of his, he has given us permission to post here.

Site Update: Veteran Interview: Major (Ret) Terry Morris: 240th AHC & 101st Aviation Bn, 101st Abn Div: 28.11.10:
This new interview is with Major (Ret) Terry Morriswho flew gunships in support of SOG, he also had a career in Special Forces and ended up asthe Deputy Commander of the Test and Evaluation Divison, Combat Develoments at the Infantry School, Ft. Benning. A very full career!

Site Update: SOG Veteran Interview: Bill Kendall: SOG 1964-65 and SOG CCC 1968-69: 28.11.10:
Our latest interview with veteran Bill Kendall who was with SOG since its inception in 1964, and also prior to this with the CIA in 1964.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: CCC Kontum: Bill Kendall: SOG 1964-65 and SOG CCC 1968-69: 28.11.10:
Our latest interviewee Bill Kendall has given us access to his photo album, this one covers his later tour with SOG at CCC from 1968-69.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: House 10 SOG Safe House: Bill Kendall: SOG 1964-65 and SOG CCC 1968-69: 28.11.10:
Our latest interviewee Bill Kendall has given us access to his photo album, this one covers SOGs early years at House 10 from 1964 to 1965.

Site Update: SOG Photo Album: Personal Photo Album: Bill Kendall: SOG 1943-65 and SOG CCC 1968-69: 28.11.10:
Our latest interviewee Bill Kendall has given us access to his photo album, this one covers his family, graduation and the Official Medal Of Honor flag he designed.

Site Update: Australian Issue Ground Sheet 07.11.10:
An Australian Issue Ground Sheet that was popular with US Special Forces.

Site Update: Jerry "Charlie" Weaver: FOB 3 CCN MACV-SOG Veteran Grouping: 04.11.10:
We are honoured to be able to display this grouping from SOG KIA Jerry "Charlie" Weaver, its has some amazing items and we feel its display here is a tribute to this brave mans service.

Site Update: Kammo Mans Hat Collection: 04.11.10:
Our man Owen (AKA Kammo Man) has a great collection of hatsand on our last US trip we took some pictures, enjoy!

Site Update: Kammo Mans: Call of Duly Black Ops Costumes & Props: 04.11.10:
Owen Thornton worked on the costumes and props for the game Call Of Duty Black Ops, you can find an exclusive preview here.

Site Update: Project Eldest Son: 14.11.10:
An article on SOG missions to damage the enemy morale through doctored ammunition, written by SOG veteran John L. Plaster.

Site Update: Call of Duty: Black Ops: 13.11.10:
Our US member Owen Thornton worked on the costume design for this much anticipated game featuring sections covering SOG in Vietnam.

Site Update: The West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show: 02.11.10:
This is Bob Chatts show and one of the best in the US, and this year the Modern Forces team from the UK will be making a visit.

Site Update: Defense POW Missing Personnel Office: Locate Three Missing Servicemen: 01.11.10:
Defense POW Missing Personnel Office locate remains of of three service men including SOG team member Sgt. 1st Class Douglas J. Glover, read teh press release here.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Michael Stahl: 1-0 RT Michigan: 23.10.10:
We have a new interview with SOG veteran Michael Stah l(on the left in the photo above)

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Steve Perry: 1-0 RT New Jersey: 14.10.10:
Steve (on the left in the photo above) has kindly allowed us to feature a section of his book on the website as a free download.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Steve Perry: 1-0 RT New Jersey: 03.10.10:
His book is featured below and Steve also agreed to do an interview for us. Some great reading!

Site Update: SOG Book: Bright Light : Untold Stories of the Secret War in Vietnam: 24.09.10:
A new book and website from SOG medic Stephen Perry has just been released, you can order your copy on the link here.

Site Update: SOG Weapons: RPG Update: 18.09.10:
We have a better RPG replica now, as caried by SOG teams running heavy, as well as the NVA, so have updated the page

Site Update: CISO Groundsheet: 18.09.10:
Our latest CISO product is this groundsheet, also designed to be used as a hammock.

Site Update: Krylon Spraypaint: 18.09.10:
SOG teams often sprayed their uniforms and equipment with a black dispruptive pattern, this is the type of Krylon spraypaint they would have used.

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2010: Radio Relay Site: 13.09.10:
Our radio relay site display at this years Military Odyssey.

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2010: RT Montana SOP Training: 12.09.10:
RT Montana on a training mission covering demo and mission SOP techniques from laying a Claymore mine, prisoner snatch, use of M14 mines and wire taps.

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2010: Show Report: 12.09.10:
Some photos from our visit to Military Odyssey, teh largest multi-period living history show in the world.

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2010: RT Montana Vintage Photos: 07.09.10:
Some vintage style photos of the team blenidng period shots with shots of the team at this years Military Odyssey.

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2010: RT Montana Italian Green Mission 1970: 07.09.10:
Italian Green was the codename given to doctored ChiCom ammunition that was left in weapons caches to destroy and demoralise the enemy.

Site Update: SOG Veteran: Nguyen Cong Hiep: 0-1 RT Idaho: 01.09.10:
Modern Forces Honorary Member Jack Kull (right) and fellow SOG enthusiast Joe DeSantos (left) recently visited legendary Vietnamese 0-1 Nguyen Cong Hiep at this place of business in Houston.

Site Update: Military Odyssey 2010: 23.08.10:
It's our next big show of the year this coming bank holiday weekend, would be great to see folks there if they are visiting. Our display this year will focus around a radio relay site.

Site Update: Combined Ops 2010: Headcorn Aerodrome: 23.08.10:
One of the team went to a small show called Combined Ops, so called because of the mix of airshow and living history show.

Site Update: SOG Veteran:, Michael Forte, RT West Virginia: Uniforms & Personal items: 22.08.10:
We have been contacted by the Nephew of Michael Forte the 1-0 of RT West Virginia, he shared these great pictures of his Uncles uniforms and other personal items.

Site Update: SOG Veteran:, Michael Forte, RT West Virginia: CISO NVA Boots: 20.08.10:
We have been contacted by the Nephew of Micheal Forte the 1-0 of RT West Virginia, he shared these great pictures of his Uncles CISO manufactured boots with us.

Site Update: Navy Seal LBE 20.08.10:
This is an example of the type of cut-down LBE carried by Navy Seals during ambush missions

Site Update: Navy Seal Float Coat: Modified 20.08.10:
This is a genuine,, but heavily modified, Navy Seal float coat. Nota SOG item but you can tell this has some history....

Site Update: SOG Veteran:, Michael Forte, RT West Virginia: 12.08.10:
We have been contacted by the Nephew of Micheal Forte the 1-0 of RT West Virginia, he shared these great pictures with us.

Site Update: Photo Report: Bovington Tank Museum: 12.08.10:
Not SOG related but a photo report from one of the best Tank Museums in the world at Bovington, the home of the Tank.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK:Life Around Camp: 09.08.10:
Some shots around the Modern Forces camp, including the infamous helicopter incident.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK:SOG HALO Operations: 06.08.10:
A photo-shoot showing a SOG HALO team member being rigged for a jump.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK:RT Montana Brightlight Mission 1970: 06.08.10:
Our big photo-shoot this year was a Brightlight mission to rescue a downed Phantom pilot, same shoot as below but in colour.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK:RT Montana Brightlight Mission 1970: 06.08.10:
Our big photo-shoot this year was a Brightlight mission to rescue a downed Phantom pilot

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: SOG Through The Ages 1965-1971: 06.08.10:
A photo-shoot depicting SOGs long involvement in the Vietnam War showing the development of equipment and uniforms during this period.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: RT New York: Running Heavy 1971: 06.08.10:
Later in the war SOG missions were compromised and a welcoming committee was almost granted upon insertion, the SOG response was to run "Heavy".

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: Seal Team 2, 1971: 06.08.10:
Same shoot as below but the photos were taken with an iPhone app called Hipstamatic that gives a great vintage look.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: Seal Team 2, 1971: 06.08.10:
A new Navy Seal photo shoot, this time depicting SealL Team 2.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: SASR 1971: 06.08.10:
Same shoot as below but the photos were taken with an iPhone app called Hipstamatic that gives a great vintage look.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: SASR 1971: 06.08.10:
This year we revisited our SASR impression and did a new photo-shoot, some great custom aAustralian gear.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: Our Camp Display 06.08.10:
The second update from this years War & Peace show,here we show some shots around camp and some pictures taken of the event.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: Display Set Up: 06.08.10:
The first update from this years War & Peace show, this selection of photos covers the team building our display.

Site Update: War & Peace 2010, Kent, UK: Home Page: 06.08.10:
All our War & Peace photos can be found on this page.

Site Update: Weekend OF Hereos, Glendale, California: 29.07.10:
An update from one of US members Jack Kull featuring some custome MACV-SOG 1/6 figures shown at the Weekend of Heroes.

Site Update: Old Fort MacArther Days - San Pedro, California --Covey Riders, NKP, Thailand: 18.07.10:
The second in a series of photos from this years Fort MacArther Living History event, this one showing a group of Covey riders and attached members of the 46th Special Forces Company based at Nakhon Phanom in Thailand.

Site Update: Then & Now Pictures of SOG Headquarters: 18.07.10:
We have added some great shots of teh SOG Headquarters on 606 Duong Tran Hung Dao.

Site Update: Old Fort MacArther Days - San Pedro, California --RT West Virginia: 17.07.10:
The first in a series of photos from this years Fort MacArther Living History event, this one showing RT West Virginia on a training mission down the range.

Site Update: Coleshill House - Coleshill Auxiliers - Seventy Years July 4th 2010: 04.07.10:
A quick photo-report from a Living History event commemorating the Auxiliary Units, Churchill's Secret Army, not Vietnam related but a fascinating part of British History.

Site Update: MACV-SOG Area Of Operations Google Earth Shots: 29.06.10:
One of the team has been playing with Google Earth and plotting key SOG lankmarks such as Leghorn, The Golfcourse and CCC at kontum.

Site Update: CAR-15 and M203 Grenade Launcher: 29.06.10:
We have updated the CAR-15 page with an M203 grenade launcher, these were used by SOG HALO teams between 1969 and 1971 as well as being popular with later war recon teams.

Site Update: MACV-SOG HALO Equipment: 28.06.10:
A selection of HALo equipment as used by pioneering SOG HALO teams between 1969 and 1971.

Site Update: Grant Bollenbach: SOG CCC Uniform Grouping: Pt2: 29.05.10:
We have some more items from SOG veteran Grant Bollenbach, uniform and lots of paper items from his tour in Vietnam and Central America.

Site Update: Musée de l'Armée 22.05.10:
We paid a visit to the Musée de l'Armée in Paris, here is a quick photo report.

Site Update: Update: M79 Vest: 22.05.10:
We have updated the M79 vest page to show our reproduction M79 shells.

Site Update: RT Iowa: Bunker Bash 2010 Photoshoot: 21.05.10:
A series of photos taken at our first show of the season, Bunker Bash in the UK. The team are portraying RT Iowa on a road-watch mission at teh Golfcourse in Southern Laos.

Site Update: KISS Sonic Boom World Tour: 14.05.10:
We helped our friend Spike to source a LAAW for the KISS world tour, its used a pyro launcher on stage.

Site Update: Robert N Gale: CCS: Olympus PEN EE-2 Camera 08.05.10:
Am Olympus PEN EE-2 camera owned by SOG veteran Robert N Gale.

Site Update: The West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show: 29.04.10:
If you are in the West Coast area then this is a MUST SEE show, the US Modern Forces crew will all be their.

Site Update: SOG: Team History and Insignia of a Clandestine Army: Volume 2: 18.04.10:
The second book from noted SOG collector Jason Hardy is available for pre-order.

Site Update: Veteran Interview: Larry Crowder: 11.04.10:
A new interview with Special Security Office (SSO) vetereran Larry Crowder.

Site Update: MD1122 UDT Life Preserver:06.04.10:
Navy issue MD1122 UDT Life Preserver used by SEALs and UDT teams in Vietnam.

Site Update: M79/M203 Cleaning Kit: 06.04.10:
A clean weapon is a happy weapon, and this is the cleaning kit to clean your M79 or M203 40mm grenade launcher.

Site Update: PAVN/NVA Belt: 06.04.10:
A unissued PAVN uniform belt.

Site Update: XM3 Bipod and Case: 06.04.10:
Not a big update but we have added the Colt designed bipod and case. Simple.

Site Update: Grant Bollenbach: SOG CCC Uniform Grouping: 02.04.10:
A jacket that belonged to B-50 (Project Omega) & CCC SOG Hatchet Forces Veteran Grant Bollenbach.

Site Update: Navy SEAL Float Coat: 02.04.10:
It's not a SOG item but a Natick designed jacket for Navy Seals, this is a reproduction version with a genuine floatation bladder installed.

Site Update: Moidern Forces 2010 Show Plans: 02.04.10:
It's getting near to our first shows so it's time to get planning and constructing, this will be a rolling update.

Site Update: Veteran Interview: Nick Brokhausen: 29.03.10:
A great interview with We Few author and RT Habu 1-1 Nick Brokhausen.

Site Update: Major Thomas Dolighan: SOG CCN Uniform Grouping: 28.03.10:
A nice example of a named late war uniform, this time to CCN veteran Capt Thomas Dolighan.

Site Update: US Visit March 2010: 25.03.10:
Modern Forces were stateside again, paying a visit to kammo-Man and some of the worlds best militaria collections.

Site Update: Updated 2010 Living History Showlist: 24.03.10:
We have uodated our showlist for the 2010 season, we have a new show this year as well with Bunker Bash being added.

Site Update: George "Sonny" Hoffman: RT Montana Uniform Grouping: 13.03.10:
A uniform grouping from SOG veteran George "Sonny" Hoffman.

Site Update: Veteran Interview: Bill Barclay: 04.03.10:
We have been speaking to SOG veteran Bill Barclay who was 1-0 of RT Krait out of CCN..

Site Update: Book Excerpt:Bright LightLynne M. Black Jr: 23.02.10:
Lynne has allowed us to feature a story form his new book, to follow on from on from Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. The excerpt covers a Bright Light mission.

Site Update: Veteran Inteview: Lynne M. Black Jr: 23.02.10:
We have another interview with a SOG veteran Lynne M. Black Jr. of RT Alabama and RT Idaho, he has some very interesting information on the 1-0 vest.

Site Update: Veteran Inteview: Lynne M. Black Jr: 20.02.10:
We have another interview with a SOG veteran, this time its Lynne M. Black Jr. of RT Alabama and RT Idaho.

Site Update: Veteran Inteview: Larry Crowder: Pt 3: 20.02.10:
We have a third interview with Communications Specialist Larry Crowder who was attached to SOG in 1970, he has also sent some photos of him in-country.

Site Update: 1-0 Vest (Reproduction): 20.02.10:
A reproduction 1-0 vest as used by SOG, this will form the basis of a better vest for our living history displays.

Site Update: Veteran Inteview: Larry Crowder: Pt 2: 10.02.10:
We have a second interview with Communications Specialist Larry Crowder who was attached to SOG in 1970.

Site Update: Veteran Inteview: Larry Crowder: 09.02.10:
We have a new interview with Communications Specialist Larry Crowder who was attached to SOG in 1970.

Site Update: CIA/Laotian Issue Ammo Pouches: 30.01.10:
We have managed to source a pair of these rare CIA/Laotian issue ammo pouches as used by members of the 46th Special Forces Group in Thailand and Project 404 in Laos.

Site Update: SOG Veteran John C McGovern Photo Album: 24.01.10:
A chance to see some unpublished SOG photos from Rt Virginia 1-0 John C McGovern.

Site Update: SOG Veteran John C McGovern Interview: 24.01.10:
An exclusive Modern Forces interview with Rt Virginia 1-0 John C McGovern.

Site Update: Modern Forces US Visit January 2010: 24.01.10:
We had a trip to Los Angeles in January and took in visit to see Bob Chatt at Vintage Productions and a trip to see Paul Miraldi.

Site Update: US Navy MK2 Knife: 24.01.10:
An example of a US Navy issue Mk2 knife as used by Navy SEALs.

Site Update: Signal Mirror: 24.01.10:
We have uodated the Signal Mirror page with this NOS 1968 dated example.

Site Update: MACV Advisory Team 162 Modified ERDL Jacket: 19.01.10:
Another item from our recent US trip and a highly modifed ERDL jacket belonging to a member of MACV Advisory Team 162.

Site Update: 2nd Model Improved M79 Carrier Vest: 19.01.10:
A recent US trip also revealed this early plastic snap M79 vest.

Site Update:3rd Model Poplin ERDL Uniform: 19.01.10:
A recent US trip revealed this early plastic snap M79 vest, our first posting of 2010. Not the last of course!.

Site Update: Our Tribute: COL Robert L. Howard RIP: 26.12.09:
A true Special Forces legend and Americas most decorated serviceman has passed away, read our tribute here.

Site Update: Book Review: Whisky Tango Foxtrot: Lynne M. Black: 07.12.09:
A book review of the new book from SOG veteran Lynne M. BLack. kindly reviewed by Ray Calafell.

Site Update: US Navy Reversible Dive Shirt: 05.12.09:
A US Navy issued dive shirt as used by SEAL and UDT teams in Vietnam.

Site Update: Modern Forces US Trip: A Visit To Paul Miraldi: 02.12.09:
A second Modern Forces trip to Paul Miraldis SOG war room.

Site Update: Modern Forces US Trip: A Visit To Owen Thornton: 30.11.09:
We havd the pleasure of being given a guided tour of Kammo-Man's war room in LA, what a collection...

Site Update: Updated: MACV-SOG HALO Teams 1970 -1971: 30.11.09:
We have been contacted by Keith Messinger who was 1-0 of RT Virginia as well as the Covey Rider during the HALO mission where Madison Strohlein was listed MIA. The HALO story has been updated to reflect this new information.

Site Update: Montagnard Woven Headband: 30.11.09:
An original Montagnard woven headband, often worn by Navy SEALS.

Site Update: Early OG107 Shirt: 30.11.09:
An early and well-starched Special Forces badged OG-107 Shirt.

Site Update: Vietnam Era Nightvision: SU49/PAS5 and PAS 6 Metascope: 07.10.09:
We have been quite recently but here is an update on Vietnam era night vision technology, including the SU49 and the PAS 6 Metascope.

Site Update: 40 round M16 Magazine: 07.10.09:
A rare 40 round M16 magazine used by some SOG teams.

Site Update: RT Montana: Life Around Camp: 12.09.09:
Our final update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Montana between missions around camp, playing cards, stealing jeeps and having a beer.

Site Update: RT Idaho: Photo Shoot 2: 08.09.09:
Our third update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Idaho during a coss border mission late in SOG's involvement in the war. This is the black & white version of the photo-shoot.

Site Update: RT Idaho: Photo Shoot 2: 08.09.09:
Our third update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Idaho during a coss border mission late in SOG's involvement in the war. This is the colour version of the photo-shoot.

Site Update: RT Idaho: Photo Shoot 1: 08.09.09:
Our second update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Idaho during a coss border mission late in SOG's involvement in the war. This is the black & white version of the photo-shoot.

Site Update: RT Idaho: Photo Shoot 1: 08.09.09:
Our second update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Idaho during a coss border mission late in SOG's involvement in the war. This is the colour version of the photo-shoot.

Site Update: RT Idaho: Westmoreland Revue: 08.09.09:
Our first update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Idaho being inspected by General Westmoreland. This is the colour version of the shoot.

Site Update: RT Idaho: Westmoreland Revue: 08.09.09:
Our first update from the Military Odyssey show, this one representing RT Idaho being inspected by General Westmoreland. This is the colour version of the shoot.

Site Update: Australian Issue Raincoat: 01.09.09:
A very useful addition to our collection, the Australian Issue Raincoat.

Site Update: SOG Veteran Interviews: John Good: 19.08.09:
We have added some photographs of RT Texas One-Zero to our SOG veteran interview page.

Site Update: In Country 09 Airsoft Game: 19.08.09:
The Modern Forces team will be portraying a MACV-SOG Recon Team at this years Military Odyssey show in Kent.

Site Update: In Country 09 Airsoft Game: 18.08.09:
A second quick photo report from In Country 09, a milsim airsoft event in the UK. The photos were taken by Ricky Robson at BMR-Image.

Site Update: In Country 09 Airsoft Game: 17.08.09:
A quick photo report from In Country 09, a milsim airsoft event in the UK. The photos were taken with our Olympus Pen-2.

Site Update: LLDB Jump Certificate: 15.08.09:
An original LLDB Jump Certificate named to a MAC-V SOG CCC veteran, Staff Sergeant Michael H. SUTTON.

Site Update: 1st Pattern Jungle Fatigues: 11.08.09:
We have added an example of the 1st pattern jungle fatigues, a lucky War & Peace purchase and in great condition.

Site Update: War & Peace Updates: Life Around Camp: 10.08.09:
The final update from War & Peace this year, this time life around our recreated version of CCC at Kontum. This is the colour set of pictures.

Site Update: War & Peace Updates: Life Around Camp: 10.08.09:
The final update from War & Peace this year, this time life around our recreated version of CCC at Kontum. This is the black & white set of pictures

Site Update: SOG 1-0 Interviews: 02.08.09:
We are in touch with a number of SOG veterans, all of them 1-0s, who have helped with our livining history display. This is a summary of some of teh conversations we have had over the last year, all very enlightening. We thank them.

Site Update: RT Maine: 1970: 01.08.09:
The fourth of a series of updates from this years War & Peace, this update being an impression ofRT Maine. Same photos as before but in black & white

Site Update: RT Maine: 1970: 01.08.09:
The third of a series of updates from this years War & Peace, this update being an impression ofRT Maine with our new indig team (many thanks to Ming and Jason).

Site Update: Australian SAS: 1971: 01.09.09:
The second of a series of updates from this years War & Peace, this update being an impression of the Australian SASR.

Site Update: Seal Team 1: 1970: 01.08.09:
The first of a series of updates from this years War & Peace, this update being an impression of Seal Team 1. Thankls to Chris for getting wet...

Site Update: New Member Leigh N. McCann: 08.07.09:
We have a new international member, those on the US Militaria Forum will know him as Mr X. Welcome on board.

Site Update: RT Montana Shoulder Scroll: 23.06.09:
We have had some Rt Montana shoulder crolls made by our resident patch expert Jeff.

Site Update: LRRP ERDL Beret: 16.06.09:
Local made beret for the LRRP unit of the 11th Armoured Cavalry Regiment (11ACR).

Site Update: PRU Camo Suit: 16.06.09:
A great example of a uniform from the Provincial Reconnaissance Unit..

Site Update: War & Peace Dry Run: 07.06.09:
The team had a dry run fro this years show at Beltring and made some elements of the RT Montana team room, the bunker for Operation Spindown and our Radio Display. It also rained a lot...

Site Update: Soldiers Heart: Lee Burkins: 01.06.09:
We have reviewed the classic book by Lee Burkins, Lee has been kind enough to help us with our Living History display so go and get his book. It is an amazing read!.

Site Update: Halfa DM34 Iincendiary Hand-Thrower: 30.05.09:
An German sourced WP disposable WP grenade launcher trialed by SOG.

Site Update: 46th SF Company Grouping: 22.05.09:
An amazing grouping showing the uniform of a member of the 46th SF Company based in Thailand.

Site Update: RT Ktrait Team Patch: 22.05.09:
An original SOG team patch for RT Krait.

Site Update: ARVN Airborne/Ranger ERDL Shirt: 22.05.09:

Site Update: Green Beret: 22.05.09:
An original 1960's Green Beret, Crest and Flash.

Site Update: M47/52 TAP Jacket: 21.05.09:
A rare French M47/52 Jacket used by French Paras in Indochina, but also by US troops as a party gear.

Site Update: M47/52 TAP Trousers: 21.05.09:
A rare pair of French M47/52 Trousers used by French Paras in Indochina, but also by US troops as a party gear.

Site Update: RT Mamba Pocket Patch: 21.05.09:
Rare original RT Mamba pocket patch

Site Update: CCC Hatchet Force Company B Shoulder Scroll: 21.05.09:
Rare original CCC Hatchet Forces Shoulder scroll, note the spelling mistake...

Site Update: Special Forces OG-107 Shirt: 21.05.09:

Site Update: Robert Van Hall 2nd Pattern Jungle Shirt: 20.05.09:
Another badged Special Forces jungle Shirt belonging to Robert Van Hall. Van Hall was a 1-0 (team leader) on RT Texas.

Site Update: Australian PRU Advisor 2nd Pattern Jungle Shirt: 20.05.09:
A rare badged example of an Australian PRU advisors jungle shirt.

Site Update: "Gold Pattern" Tigerstripe Shirt: 20.05.09:
A Tigerstripe Shirt in the popular and rare "Gold Pattern".

Site Update: "Silver Pattern" Tigerstripe Trousers: 20.05.09:
Tigerstripe Trousers in the popular and rare "Silver Pattern".

Site Update: CISO Tigerstripe Boonie: 20.05.09:
Another example of CISO production this time in Tigerstripe.

Site Update: CISO Black Boonie: 20.05.09:
Another example of CISO production with a black boonie.

Site Update: Duckhunter Jacket: 20.05.09:
An example of early war camouflage know as Duckhunter.

Site Update: "John Wayne Dense" (JWD) Tigerstripe Trousers: 20.05.09:
Another example of Tigerstripe camouflage.

Site Update: "Thai Tadpole Sparse" Uniform: 20.05.09:
Rare original Tiger Stripe uniform in "Thai Tadpole Sparse" pattern.

Site Update: CISO Indigenous Sleeping Bag: 20.05.09:
An example of the CISO produced indigenous sleeping bag.

Site Update: Robert Van Hall 3rd Pattern Jungle Shirt: 20.05.09:
A badged Special Forces jungle Shirt belonging to Robert Van Hall. Van Hall was a 1-0 (team leader) on RT Texas.

Site Update: Special Forces 1st Pattern Jungle Shirt: 20.05.09:
An early pattern badged Special Forces jungle Shirt.

Site Update: Special Forces 1st Pattern Jungle Shirt: 20.05.09:
An early pattern badged Special Forces jungle Shirt.

Site Update: CIA HT1 Village Radio: 20.05.09:
A mint example of the CIA produced Village Radio.

Site Update: CISO Black "Pajama" Suit: 20.05.09:
Counter Insurgency Support Office produced black pajamas that can be seen on early SOG photographs.

Site Update: MAT-49 Sub Machine Gun: 19.05.09:
This is a rare deactivated French MAT-49 Sub Machine Gun, often used by US Special Forces as a "personal" weapon.

Site Update: M72 LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon): 19.05.09:
We have added a deactivated M72 LAW to the site.

Site Update: Silenced Sten: 19.05.09:
We have updated the Sten page with a deactivated Silenced Stena s used by SOG teams for prisoner snatch missions.

Site Update: AK47 Wooden Stock: 19.05.09:
We have updated the AK47 page with a deactivated wooden stock Russian AK47.

Site Update: Frank & Warren, Inc. Type IV Survival Ax: 26.04.09:

Site Update: Video: Green Berets Vietnam: 23.04.09:
Archive footage of Green Berets in Vietnam.

Site Update: RT New York Photo Shoot: 20.04.09:
Our latest photo shoot is a tribute to John St. Martin and Ed Wolcoff of RT New York.

Site Update: Training With the Royal Marines: 12.04.09:
In the interested of getting our Living History display as correct as we can we had a weekend training with the Royal Marines, well South West Wargames which is run by ex Marines and staffed with serving Marines.

Site Update: RT Vermont 1-0 Lee Burkins Recon Boonie: 02.04.09:
The 1-0 of RT Vermont Lee Burkins has kindly allowed us to use pictures of his original boonie from when he was a member of MACV-SOG.

Site Update: MACV-SOG Veterans Stories: Lee Burkins 02.04.09:
The 1-0 of RT Vermont Lee Burkins has kindly allowed us to publish extracts of his book on the website, more to follow.

Site Update: Navy Seal Float Coat: 30.03.09:
Its a not a SOG item but an interesting development in field gear used by Navy Seals during the Vietnam War.

Site Update: Photo Report: Ho Chi Minh Trail: 28.03.09:
A photo report from the Ho Chi Minh Trail museum in Vietnam by team member Jack Krull.

Site Update: Vibram Sole Jungle Boots: 28.03.09:
We have added some 1967 dated vibram sole jungle boots made by Bata.

Site Update: MACV-SOG Veterans Stories: 23.03.09:
We have added a new section to the site on Veterans Stories that will feature stories from MACV-SOG veterans. Our first stories are kindley supplied MACV-SOG 1-0 John "Tilt" Strker Meyer. We would be honoured if other veterans would be kind enough to supply their stories to preserve the memories of those who served in Special Forces. We can be contacted here.

Site Update: Leather "Low Profile" Holster: 08.03.09:
A "Dirty Harry" style shoulder holster inspired by a photo in Frank Greco's book Running Recon..

Site Update: CISO Indigenous Poncho: 01.03.09:
We have added a CISO indigenous poncho owned by SOG collector Derek Struth.

Site Update: New Member: Jack Kull: 28.02.09:
Jack has already sent us some photos of his 1/6 figures but we now have his full biography, Jack Kull serves as the senior Vietnam War policy advisor at the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) in Washington, D.C. Its an honour to have him as a member.

Site Update: FOB 2 Kontum: War & Peace Display Plans: 26.02.09:
A page covering our work so far on our display for this years War & Peace, our recreation of RT Montana at FOB 2 in Kontum.

Site Update: Coleman Duel-Fuel Stove: 26.02.09:

Site Update: John S. Meyer: 17.02.09:
We have been in contact with John S. Meyer, known as "Tilt", and he has been advising us on our depictions of SOG, making sure we get the details right. John was One-Zero of RT Idaho in 1968-70 and has written some amazing books on his time with SOG. A true legend and we are honored to have spoken to him. You can see what he said above.

Site Update: Links Update: 17.02.09:
SOG Veteran John Stryker Meyer has a new site with writing partner John E. Peters. You can buy their great book On The Ground and it also has news that the book Over The Fence is being updated and reprinted.

Site Update: Photoshoot Update: 14.02.09:
A few new shots from our last team photo shoot.

Site Update: Team Update: 14.02.09:
We have a new member, our straphanger from RT Florida, called "Wild Bill". And before you mail us saying no Tiger Stripe in SOG missions over the fence. What we have here is a Hatchet Force mission.

Site Update: Running Recon: A Photo Journey with SOG Special Ops along the Ho Chi Minh Trail: 14.02.09:

Site Update: Book Review:Secret Commandos: John L. Plaster: 14.02.09:

Site Update: Militaria09: 06.02.09:

Site Update: Airforce Survival Knife: 03.02.09:

Site Update: M19 Mortar: 02.02.09:
One of the teams weekend purchases was a deact M19 Mortar tube as used by some MACV-SOG teams when running "heavy".

Site Update: Ka-Bar Knife: 02.02.09:
A knife more commonly seen in use by the USMC it was one of the more common knives used by MACV-SOG teams.

Site Update: M1944 Wind/Dust Goggles: 02.02.09:
Not a MACV-SOG item as such but one that was used by team members during Operation Ivory Coast, better known as the Son Tay Raid.

Site Update: Metal Whistle: 02.02.09:

Site Update: Handcuffs: 02.02.09:
Not new page but an updated one with new pictures and details of MACV-SOG prisoner snatch methods.

Site Update: Navy Seals in Vietnam Video: 27.01.09:
Great video highlighting the Navy Seals in Vietnam, includes training footage and lots of shots of Seals in Vietnam.

Site Update: Recon Tips: How to Tie A Swiss Seat: 25.01.09:
Instructions on how to use a rope coil to create a "Swiss Seat" for rappelling or extraction purposes.
Site Update: Links: 25.01.09:
We have added some new Vietnam related links.

Site Update: Project Delta: Special Forces Vietnam Recon Manual: 24.01.09:
We have added what should be the basis for all training for re-enactment groups, this was compiled by members of Project Delta and CCN based on lessons learnt on recon missions.

Site Update: MK13 Mod 0 Signal Flare: 24.01.09:
Another Navy Seal item, but an interesting item.

Site Update: Book Review: SOG: A Photo History of the Secret Wars: 23.01.09:
A book review of the basis of all MACV-SOG photo research.

Site Update: Shot Show Report 2: 23.01.09:
Another report from the Shot Show in Florida, this time the boys are on the range!

Site Update: Note book: 23.01.09:
The updates are coming thick and fast again this week and the newest update are these MACV-SOG (well a general Federal style) note books.

Site Update: Shot Show: SOG Team Member Chance Meeting: 22.01.09:
Modern Forces member Jason was lucky to meet MACV-SOG and Seal Team One veterans at the Shot Show in Florida.

Site Update: Memorial to SFC George "Ron" Brown: 1-0 Spike Team Asp: 16.01.09:
This 1/6 tribute to an MIA 1-0 is by new member Jack Kull, his bio will be added soon.

Site Update: Stoner M63 Weapons System: 15.01.09:
Not a MACV-SOG weapon as such but who could resist the Stoner M63, or the Mk23 Mod 0 as our SEAL cousins would call it.

Site Update: STEN Mk.IIS (STEN Mark 2 Silenced) submachine gun: 15.01.09:
MACV-SOG used the STEN as a prisoner snatch weapon as it could be taken apart and carried in the rucksack.

Site Update: XM177E2 with M203 Grenade Launcher: 15.01.09:
We have updated the XM177 page to show an M203 equiped example.

Site Update: US Army Ammo Crates: 13.01.09:
We have started making some US Army Ammo Crates for our team displays at shows this year. We have two sizes planned but we are still looking for the markings to be printed on the side. Can anyone help, if so please contact us on

Site Update: XM58 Mini-CS Grenade 13.01.09:
The first update of the New Year and its not even a new item, just forgot to add to the smoke grenade listing page.

Site Update: M34 White Phosphorous Grenade 30.12.08:
Our first post Christmas update and its a good one.

Site Update: CISO Indigenous Poncho Liner 30.12.08:
The CISO made version of the classic poncho liner.

Site Update: Black Dyed Fatigues 30.12.08:
Not a huge update but an example of dyed black fatigues as used by some MACV-SOG recon teams.

Site Update: RT Montana Photo Update 21.12.08:
Added a few more photos to the RT Montana BDA mission photo-shoot.

Site Update:Badged "Base Jacket" 20.12.08:
Not a new item but one that has been updated, my favourite item is the period Nixon campaign badge.

Site Update:M49A2 Mortar Round 20.12.08:

Site Update:RPG 7: 20.12.08:

Site Update: Hanson Rig/A7a Strap: 20.12.08:

Site Update: M17 Gasmask: 20.12.08:

Site Update: M79 Bandoleer: 20.12.08:

Site Update: C Rations: 20.12.08:

Site Update:Book reviews: The Secret War in Laos 19.12.08:
We have added some book reviews covering the "Secret War" in Laos and the plight of the Hmong people.

Site Update:Kark Gustav M/45 "Swedish K": 12.12.08:

Site Update: SOG Recon Knife: 12.12.08:

Site Update: General Ammunition Pouch: 10.12.08:

Site Update: CISO Ammunition Pouch: 10.12.08:

Site Update: Modern Forces Photo shoot: RT Montana: 08.12.08:
This is the forth update from our photo shoot, this time recreating a declassified after action report from RT Montana in 1969.

Site Update: Colt .25 Automatic Pistol: 08.12.08:

Site Update: AT984 Radio Antenna Pouch: 08.12.08:

Site Update: Modern Forces Photo shoot: RT Wyoming: 30.11.08:
This is the third full update from our photo shoot, this time focusing on RT Wyoming in a mix of US and NVA gear.

Site Update: Modern Forces Photo shoot: RT West Virginia: 28.11.08:
This is the second full update from our photo shoot, this time focusing on RT West Virginia in full NVA gear.

Site Update: Modern Forces Photo shoot: HALO History and Team Shots: 28.11.08:
This is the first full update from our photo shoot, we included our impression photos in a history of MACV-SOG HALO operations. MACV-SOG were the first unit in the world to use HALO as a way of inserting teams into enemy territory.

Site Update: Modern Forces Photo shoot: PREVIEW: 23.11.08:

Site Update: MACV/Special Forces Paperwork: 23.11.08:

Site Update: Malvern Military Convention: 23.11.08:

Site Update: LRRP Video: 19.11.08:
Another great video I found on YouTube this time about the Long range Reconnaissance Patrols (Lurps) in Vietnam..

Site Update: Mike Force Video: 19.11.08:
Another great video I found on YouTube this time about Mike Force.

Site Update: MACV Recondo School Video: 18.11.08:
A great video I found on YouTube about the MACV Recondo School at Nha Trang.

Site Update: Montagnard Bracelet: 16.11.08:

Site Update: Hot-Wet Environment Survival Kit: 15.11.08:
This is quite a rare item and we have a boxed and unused example.

Site Update: MK3A2 Offensive Hand Grenade: 15.11.08:

Site Update: Replica John "Tilt" Meyer Modified Jacket: 15.11.08:
We have added a replica of John "Tilt" Meyer's modified jacket, though his jacket had vertical zips on the middle/torso pockets.

Site Update: LRRP Rations: 15.11.08:
We have updated the LRRP Rations page to show the contents, in this case the Chille Con Carne.

Site Update: Carenten Airsoft Event: 13.11.08:
The Modern Forces team went to an WW2 Airsoft Event based around the theme of the town of Carentan.

Site Update: SOG Modified XM177E2: 08.11.08:
I have done a quick update of the XM177E2 page to show a SOG Modified example with fore-grip.

Site Update: M19 Binoculars: 08.11.08:
We have added some temporary shots of the teams new M19 Binoculars.

Site Update: Weekend of Heroes: 03.11.08:
It's not the most recent update but the Modern Forces team met with Sgt. Kenn Miller at this years Weekend of Heroes show.

Site Update: Vietnam Book Review: 03.11.08:
It's not something we have done before but we are going to start reviewing books covering the Vietnam War period, with a natural focus on MACV-SOG and Special Forces.

Site Update: AN/PRC 25 Radio: 01.11.08:
The teams radio has been added, still looking for a battery box and some batteries if anyone has any?

Site Update: One-Zero Jacket: 01.11.08:
Not a new item but I have added a Confederate flag to the arm.

Site Update:Enzo our new "Straphanger": 01.11.08:
A new addition to the team and one that doesn't mind standing on guard at shows for long periods...

Site Update: Special Forces Handbook: 12.10.08:

Site Update: Modern Forces Group ID Card: 12.10.08:

Site Update: M125 Illumination Flare: 12.10.08:

Site Update: Airsoft International MACV-SOG Feature: 04.10.08:
There was a feature on Modern Forces in this months AI Magazine, lots of shots of the magazine and loads of oatcakes.

Site Update: M5 Medic Bag: 29.09.08:
I have added the teams M5 Medic Bag, a work in progress

Site Update: MACV-SOG RPD: 29.09.08:
I have updated the RPD page to show a MACV-SOG example

Site Update: Modern Forces US Trip: Paul Miraldi's War Room: 25.09.08:
The second installment of photos from a trip to Paul W Mirladi's War Room

Site Update: Modern Forces US Trip: Paul Miraldi's War Room: 23.09.08:
The first installment of photos from a trip to Paul W Mirladi's War Room, a truly amazing display

Site Update: Signed John Stryker "Tilt" Meyer Photograph: 21.09.08:
A great signed picture of "Tilt" when he was the One-Zero of Rt Idaho.
Site Update: MACV-SOG CCS Plaque: 21.09.08:
Site Update: RT-10 Radio: 21.09.08:
Site Update: M1949 Glove Shells "Recon Gloves": 21.09.08:

Site Update: Paul Miraldi: Airsoft International Article: 19.09.08:
Honoury member Paul Miraldi has made it into Airsoft International in the first of two articles on MACV-SOG impressions, the rest of the team are in the next issue in a detailed look at the Modern Forces team at a Vietnam themed airsoft event in the UK.
Site Update: C4 and M60 Detonators: 12.09.08:

Site Update: RT West Virginia: NVA Uniform: 06.09.08:
I did a quick photoshoot in Cambodia (well my back garden in South London...) of RT West Virginia in full NVA uniform based on a photo taken in 1971 in Frank Greco's Book Running Recon
Site Update: NVA Uniform & Pith Helmet: 06.09.08:
Site Update: MACV-SOG Black Cap: 06.09.08:
Site Update: War & Peace Photos: 03.09.08:

RT Viper Photo shoot: 25.08.08:
I have added some photos of me as the One-Zero of RT Viper, these were take at Military Odyssey.
Site Update: Minor Surgery Kit: 21.08.08:
Site Update: CCN RT Viper Sprayed and Modified Fatigues: 18.08.08:
Site Update: Named CISO Indigenous Rucksack: 18.08.08:

Military Odyssey: 23.08.08 - 25.08.08:
We have added a quick photo report from this years Military Odyssey.
Site Update: M142 Booby Trap firing Device: 13.08.08:
Site Update: The Team: 13.08.08:
Modern Forces: MACV-SOG has 2 new members.

Airsoft International Photo shoot: 10.08.08:
RT Montana has just got back from a training weekend in Hampshire (not quite Cambodia but training is training) It was also a chance for new team member Jason Veall to help create a photo shoot for Airsoft International Magazine. I haven't got the real photographs back yet but took some pictures on my camera anyway.

War & Peace Photo shoot: 22.07.08:
We attend shows such as War & peace in the UK, the picture above is a photo shoot we did at War & Peace with Rolling Thunder Living History Society. You can see more pictures here.