It's with great sadness that we annouce the passing of legendary Vietnamese 0-1 Nguyen Cong Hiep, seen here in his trademark sunglasses with his team mates John Stryker Meyer and Lynne Black.
Hiep Cong Nguyen
Nguyen Cong Hiep was born on March 31, 1947 in Saigon, Vietnam to Nguyen Trung Nghia and Nguyen Thi Kia.
During the Vietnam War he served the United States in the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) through four tours. He served honorably and bravely.
Upon arriving in the U.S. with his family in 1975, Hiep and his family started a new life in Florida, later settling in Houston, Texas. Hiep eventually found his calling in tropical fish and exotic pets owning and operating several business in the Houston area.
Hiep passed away on July 8, 2017 at the age of 70 after a sustained illness.
He is survived by his life partner Hoang Thu Huong with son Alan Tran; daughter Annie Chapman with sons Jacob and Ethan; son Andy Nguyen with wife Maureen and daughters Sage and Arden; daughter Lucie Rebueno with husband Oliver and sons Bennett and Owen. Mr. Nguyen is also survived by his five siblings and former wife Nguyen Thi Dieu Hoa.
Memories by John Stryker Meyer and featuring Hiep can be read here;
Here are a selection of photos of Hiep durting his time with MACV-SOG

Modern Forces Visit
