The French airborne forces, the Troupes Aero Portee (TAP), used a number of different jump suits during the First Indochina War. The suits exhibit a number of features from the WW2 British Denison smock and the WW2 US M42 parachutist uniform. The main patterns used up until the end of the conflict were the Tenue de Saut (jump suit) M47, M47/51 and M47/52. The jacket pictured above is of the M47/52 pattern and was the most common of the suits in use by the end of the conflict. After the French withdrawal existing stocks of uniforms (of all patterns including the WW2 US and British camouflage items) were used up by the fledging ARVN Airborne Group (and the parachute units of the other former French colonies – Laos and Cambodia) until the issue of the new locally produced camouflage (the famous “bullet proofs”). The influence of these French camouflage patterns on the indigenous tiger stripes is easy to see.
There are pictures that show SOG personal wearing French uniform items as part of their "base" or "party" gear, one famous picture (I think RT Habu)shows a SOG member wearing a French M47/52 jacket, white jeans and Navy Coral Shoes.

Photos courtesy of the Hall Collection.