So if we look at the bottom row of grenades we have the;
M67: The M67 grenade is a fragmentation hand grenade used by the US armed forces and Canadian forces - where it is referred to as the C13. The M67 is a replacement for the M61 grenade used during Vietnam and the older MK2 "pineapple" grenade used since World War II.

The M67 can be thrown about 40 meters by the average soldier. It has a 4.2 second fuse that ignites explosives packed inside a round body. Shrapnel is provided by the grenade casing, and produces a casualty radius of 15 meters, with a fatality radius of 5 meters, though some fragments can disperse as far out as 230 meters. Its effectiveness is not just its blast radius, which measures approximately 45 feet (13.7 m), but shrapnel that embeds itself into objects and people up to 700 feet (213 m) away from the blast.[1]

MK3A2 Offensive Hand Grenade
The MK3A2 offensive hand grenade, commonly referred to as the concussion grenade, is designed to produce casualties during close combat while minimizing danger to friendly personnel. The grenade is also used for concussion effects in enclosed areas, for blasting, and for demolition tasks. The shock waves (overpressure) produced by this grenade when used in enclosed areas are greater than those produced by the fragmentation grenade. It is, therefore, very effective against enemy soldiers located in bunkers, buildings, and fortified areas.
(1) Body. The body is fiber (similar to the packing container for the fragmentation grenade.)
(2) Filler. The filler has 8 ounces of TNT.
(3) Fuze. The fuze is an M206A1 or M206A2 (see paragraph 1-4).
(4) Weight. The grenade weighs 15.6 ounces.
(5) Safety clip. The MK3A2 may be issued with or without a safety clip (see paragraph 1-3).
(6) Capabilities. The average soldier can throw this grenade 40 meters. It has an effective casualty radius of 2 meters in open areas, but secondary missiles and bits of fuze may be projected as far as 200 meters from the detonation point.
(7) Color and markings. The grenade is black with yellow markings around its middle.

V40 "Mini-grenade": The V40 mini fragmentation grenade was produced by NWM of Holland and was used by both SOG recon teams and Navy SEALs during the Vietnam War.1 It was considerably smaller and lighter (136g / 4.8 oz) than the standard U.S. fragmentation grenade, which meant that it could be carried in greater quantities and thrown further. Known as the "Hooch Popper", the V40 featured a 4 second fuze and had an effective casualty radius of 5 meters.

M14 Anti-personal Mine "Toe popper": Not strictly a grenade but...The M14 mine is a US small anti-personnel landmine first fielded in the late 1950s. The M14 mechanism uses a belleville spring to flip a firing pin downwards into a stab detonator when pressure is applied. Once deployed, the M14 is very difficult to detect due to its mainly plastic design. Because of this the design was later modified to ease mine clearance via the addition of a steel washer, glued onto the base of the mine.

In order to activate the M14, the base plug is removed and discarded and a stab detonator is screwed into the base of the mine. Then the mine is placed into a shallow hole in the ground and the pressure plate is carefully rotated from its safety position to the armed position using the special arming spanner supplied in each crate of mines. Finally, the U-shaped safety clip is removed from the pressure plate and discarded. At this point, the mine is fully armed.
The top of an M14 has a simple arming indicator (a yellow-painted arrow) on it which can point to either A(rmed) or S(afe), giving a clear indication of its status. When the arrow points to 'A', the M14 will detonate if stepped on. Disarming the M14 requires the arming steps to be performed in reverse. However, due to the possibility of a booby trap or some other type of anti-handling device being fitted underneath, it is often standard demining practice to destroy landmines in situ, without attempting to remove and disarm them.
The M14 has not been in active US service since 1974. However, the USA retains a stockpile of 1.5 million mines held in reserve for emergency use in Korea. This mine has been widely used by various countries, so uncleared minefields containing M14s do exist. Additionally, several copies of the design have been manufactured locally by countries such as India.
Type & Operation:
Blast-type, non-metallic, Anti-Personnel mine, designed to incapitate. Pressure plate. Manually armed.
56mm (Diameter), 40mm (height)
0.936kg (mine), 0.029kg (explosive content - Tetryl of Composition B)
Material: The body is constructed of plastic but it has a steel firing pin.
Explosive: (Type)
Fuze & Activation:
When pressure is applied to the pressure plate the spring loaded firing pin is released to strike the cap firing the mine. Pressure: 9-16kg
