I have been reading books, looking at photos and talking to past SOG members for some time now and there is one small part of their kit that 90% of the time pops up and it’s one of the parts that makes your impression of these special forces guy that much more spot on.
The Montagnard Bracelet also know as a Yard Bracelet come from the central Highlands of Vietnam and are all handcrafted by tribesman from old brass shells. Which are beaten down, filed, etched and sanded down with sand stones.
They are not only beautiful simple trinkets but every marking represents some aspect of tribal identity, life, death, or spirituality. The gift of one of theses bracelets is considered a great honour and bestows upon the recipient a lifelong commitment of friendship from the giver.

The ritual has been an important part of the Montagnard culture for many centuries and continues to this day in Vietnam.
In keeping with the above traditions this Yard bracelet was given to me as a gift and is worn all the time and does indeed represent a lifelong commitment of friendship from the person that gave it to me.