SOG Motor Pool: Update
A quick update on the ever expanding SOG motor pool

M101 Trailer No1: We have fitted the new canvas for the M101, all work courtesy of Allied Forces and a great piece of work they did too. We have also got a full set of the correct wheels(it has WW2 combat rims on at the moment) for the trailer and a new set of tyres.

M101 Trailer No2: Our second trailer has been collected from Norfolk and will be painted before our largest show of the year, War & Peace Revival. This will be towed by the M35A1 REO.

Dodge M37: After the engine went bang on the way back from Overlord we had to get a new one fitted, so a crated engine was ordered from Holland and installed by the very helpful Andy Berke. This is the old engine with a broken number 6 conrod.

REO M35A1: The REO has had a full mechancial overhaul, new brakes, brake lines, rebuilt airpack, all new seals, engine service, new body, new windscreen, lighting sorted for UK a long list of other work. All done by Rex Ward. The truck will be painted before War & Peace Revival.
